Our Philosophy
- Our philosophy is to nurture the growth of our newest generation through respectful and positively responsive relationships within a respectful and positive environment.
- We bring our philosophy to life by using a combination of both free play and familiar daily routines, allowing an emergent curriculum to unfold. Our teachers plan specific learning experiences for our children/tamariki to engage in, extending on their own interests.
- We have an open door policy at Little Kiwi’s Corner where all children/tamariki are welcome to enrol, bringing with them their own unique heritage and family/whānau. This in turn contributes to our way of planning. By respecting the individual heritage of each family/whānau who join us, we aim to be an extension of their family/whānau support systems.
- Most of all, we believe that children need, and therefor will be offered here, an environment where children are free to explore, grow, contribute and learn in the knowledge that they are genuinely valued and respected as a human being through having time and space to do so coupled with genuine, positive, and respectful interactions.
Love, Nurture, Grow and Learn.